MYSTober 2024

31 vignettes based on single-word prompts. One story.

2. Worship

Mordecai stood upon the dais, scanning the pews and their occupants. The Bible open in front of him was elegant, bound in blue leather with gold lettering, and gold page edges. He had inherited it with this church from his father, and he from his – as quaint a family business as ever there was.

"The Lord has but one single demand from His followers," he announced. "Faith. Belief. Trust that He will provide."

Mordecai's followers had been dwindling. On an island where everything was already serene, much of the population had decided there wasn't a need for religion. They were happy to put their trust in fate rather than faith.

"And what does the Lord provide? The Lord provides comfort! Health! Clothing for your backs, and shelter from the harsh whims of nature."

Despite the gradually shrinking size of his flock, the Lord had indeed been good to Mordecai. The worshippers fed from his energy, and in turn he fed from theirs. Some were more energetic for him than others, but that was okay. There would always be some who were more committed to their faith than the rest.

"It is only in the Lord's light that we are able to stand tall, and triumphant. With Him, everything is possible. Without Him, all is lost."

He heard a low muttering from Brandon, fifth pew back on the right. Brandon's family was split on the benefits of the church. Brandon didn't want to be here. He came only for the sake of his wife, Elaine, and one of their sons. Their other son was special. Mordecai was always very careful to make sure that son got everything the church had to offer.

"And what does the Lord command from those who have no faith in Him?" He paused dramatically, to give his audience a chance to find the answer. "Simply that they keep an open mind. Even a lost sheep can find its way back home to the flock."

He did his best to mask his frustration at losing followers, but it always felt like the cracks showed through his veneer of confidence.

"And when those poor souls finally see the light of the Lord's presence, He still demands only one thing from them – the same thing he demands from you, and from me, and from everyone else."

No matter how ungrateful, he thought to himself. The Lord's words and his were the same. He was Him, and Him was I. He spoke for them both.

He took another moment to straighten up triumphantly upon the dais, puffing his chest forward like a god. "Put your faith in me!"