MYSTober 2024
31 vignettes based on single-word prompts. One story.
Table of Contents
1. Island
2. Worship
3. Harmony
4. Mechanism
5. Arrogance
6. Glacial
7. Paradise
8. Desperation
9. Rebellion
10. Ruins
11. Home
12. Fissure
13. Brothers
14. Power
15. Tree
16. Balance
17. Endure
18. Thrive
19. Dream
20. Sustenance
21. Maintain
22. Vault
23. Barren
24. Garden
25. Bridges
26. Imprisoned
27. Stars
28. Instability
29. Golden
30. Refuge
31. Book
26. Imprisoned
Jacob stood in the town square with his parents and little brother, waiting for the beginning of the... whatever they were here for. "Why are we here again?"
"I don't know," his mother answered. "Something about honouring a town hero."
As if on cue, Madelaine's voice cut through the air. "Friends and community members, thank you for coming out today. As every one of you knows, living here on this island is a hard life. We face many challenges on a daily basis, and I believe there is one man whose work goes above and beyond anything that might be asked of any of us to keep us all happy and hopeful for today and the future."
Simon, now a young adolescent, quipped, "She's really polishing this guy."
His father chided, "Don't talk like that."
"Am I wrong?"
The Mayor continued. "For that reason, I believe it is only appropriate to recognize this person's contribution to the community's morale. It is therefore an honour and a privilege for me to bestow the title of Official Spiritual Advisor to our priest, Mordecai Sydal."
Jacob froze. His heart was beating harder and faster than it ever had before. He needed to run. Far away, as far as possible. His vision narrowed. Someone was speaking, but it was muffled and distant. His legs started to buckle. He reached out his arms to steady himself against his father. Not this time. He forced himself upright, and with every ounce of his being cried out a defiant "NO!"
Whoever was speaking stopped. Mayor Madelaine stared at him in disbelief. "I'm sorry?"
Jacob pushed off of his father's shoulder. "That man is not a saviour, he's an abomination!"
The townsfolk began grumbling dissent, but Mordecai quieted them. "Let the man talk."
Jacob marched forward as he continued. "That man has abused me for years! Taking me into his private rooms for what he called 'bible study', but was really just an excuse to put his hands and... parts... on me. I've been a prisoner in my own mind for as long as I can remember. He does not deserve praise or recognition! He's a monster!"
Before he could reach the priest and the Mayor, two mountains of men had their hands under his arms and were guiding him away. Mordecai calmly and empathetically stated to the crowd, "Truly an ill man in need of help. I'm sure the Lord will provide him with the grace he needs to get better."
Jacob continued shouting his protestations as he was wrestled out of sight. He struggled to slip his arms from the men's grips. Finally he wriggled free, only to feel a heavy *thump* on the back of his head, knocking him into unconsciousness.